
Our design team has wide experience in Sustainable HVAC systems, with involvement in some of the most prestigious Projects.

We provide Consultancy services and Innovative Financing of Solar Installations to our clients.

Consultancy - Sustainable HVAC

There are many different technologies available that can reduce energy consumption and improve building occupant's experience, whilst they use a building.

Each building location should be studied, as the external location, position and available natural resources (such as a water source) will dictate which systems can be used most effectively.

NetGreen Solar Sustainable HVAC

Once the systems have been selected and the Loads calculated, the next important step is to ensure the Control system can provide energy consumption at a minimum. Integrated and Intelligent 'Open' systems are available that ensures the Building User can administer their own building. For example Lonworks was chosen for the Masdar project.

Consultancy - Energy & Water Surveys

Until the Building Occupant knows where and how different types of energy or water is consumed, they cannot decide how to improve their consumption.

Occupancy patterns, External weather patterns, Building Usage, Building location and Form will all effect how resources are used and how they can be saved.

NetGreen Solar - Energy & Water services

One fact for sure there are technologies on the market for every building characteristic, that can save every building consumption of energy and water, and many of them are for free if Tax incentives are included.

From the Energy Survey data a Feasibility Report can be generated, indicating Investment / Payback calculations.

Thermal Energy Purchasing Agreement Services

This an area of services that we are planning to enter into in the near future, with the right Financing partners. This service provides Thermal Energy Purchasing Agreements (TEPA's) to businesses that have a large consumption of hot water. 

These businesses would not need to purchase or maintain the Solar Installation, just pay a monthly Invoice of the amount of Clean energy used, guaranteed to be cheaper than the existing fossil fuel costs.

These businesses are principally large Hotels, Hospitals, Swimming Pools, Gymnasiums and types of Industry.

Buildings that have a large consumption of Domestic Hot water can make large reductions in their energy costs but not have to pay for the large capital costs of installing large Solar Thermal systems.

Our Engineering team provides a survey of the existing hot water generation plant and analyse the historical Invoices. A Feasibility Report would be generated from a site visit, to initiate the preliminary design to quantify for the financing.

NetGreen Solar - ESCO services

Using our stock of Solar Collectors we can install a large solar array and Ancillary Plant to generate savings from the consumption of Fossil fuel. more>
